You may distribute modified images as JPG/PNG etc. on any websites (e.g. Facebook, Astrobin, Flickr)
Make prints created by purchased images for personal use.
You are granted non-transferable, non-exclusive and perpetual image license for personal use.
Prohibited activities:
Source files (FITS) may not be made available by you for public download or shared to anyone.
You are forbidden to relicense, resell make sub-license or redistribute purchased source FITS files.
What exactly am I buying?
Master Light Frames. Raw astronomical data captured by the camera. Already calibrated, registered and stacked light frames ready for processing in software like PixInsight. Files have FITS extension. Product description above explains how many light frames are included. For example: for typical LRGB image you will receive separate files for R, G, B and L channel (4 files).
How are those files calibrated and stacked?
We use the newest version of PixInsight software and WBPP script standard process with Local Normalization applied.
How do I purchase Image?
We work as any other standard on-line store. Simply add the image to the cart, provide your personal data for the bill/invoice and pay for the order by Credit Card - Payments are handled by Stripe (currently only one acceptable payment method).
I am not satisfied with the purchase
All files are carefully checked but if you're not satisfied - just write us within 14 days from purchase and we will make a refund. We only require that after the refund you delete all purchased files.
Jones 1 / PN G104.2-29.6 (2023)
Already calibrated Master Light Frames for your individual processing
This is a relatively bright but rarely photographed planetary nebula. Not overly challenging to process. Nevertheless care should be taken to properly balance Ha and OIII emissions and to bring out the Ha "tail".
All five master files: Ha, OIII and RGB are cropped, registered and saved in .xisf format.
Total acquisition time
Holy Cross Mountains, Poland
Night sky quality
Bortle 4
Acquisition date
2023-09-05 - 2023-10-08
Image Set Frames
Single frame exposure
Number of frames
Total (hh:mm)
Antlia 3nm H-alpha 36mm
300 sec.
(42600 sec.)
Antlia 3nm OIII 36mm
300 sec.
(21000 sec.)
Astronomik DeepSky RGB 36mm
30 sec.
(5400 sec.)
(69000 sec.)
Awards and Nominations
Image awards, nominations and online publications of the already processed image
You may distribute modified images as JPG/PNG etc. on any websites (e.g. Facebook, Astrobin, Flickr)
Make prints created by purchased images for personal use.
You are granted non-transferable, non-exclusive and perpetual image license for personal use.
Prohibited activities:
Source files (FITS) may not be made available by you for public download or shared to anyone.
You are forbidden to relicense, resell make sub-license or redistribute purchased source FITS files.
What exactly am I buying?
Master Light Frames. Raw astronomical data captured by the camera. Already calibrated, registered and stacked light frames ready for processing in software like PixInsight. Files have FITS extension. Product description above explains how many light frames are included. For example: for typical LRGB image you will receive separate files for R, G, B and L channel (4 files).
How are those files calibrated and stacked?
We use the newest version of PixInsight software and WBPP script standard process with Local Normalization applied.
How do I purchase Image?
We work as any other standard on-line store. Simply add the image to the cart, provide your personal data for the bill/invoice and pay for the order by Credit Card - Payments are handled by Stripe (currently only one acceptable payment method).
I am not satisfied with the purchase
All files are carefully checked but if you're not satisfied - just write us within 14 days from purchase and we will make a refund. We only require that after the refund you delete all purchased files.